8090 EP (Master Deluxe)

Monday, August 29, 2016

Understanding "Regal Slut"...

Well certainly this was completely shocking to everyone as I expressed that this is how I felt when I wrote the song.

Henry Moser the producer and I are were just kinda goofing around and I was like "Baby I'm a regal Slut" but I had been like thinking this for a while because it was heavy on my mind about the treatment of sluts or the right to people deciding the rules about my privacy. You know where they decide to label me a slut because of my life choices. Not giving me a chance to break out of whatever I called myself to be. Not letting me like have ownership of my life and wanting to completely label me! I didn't like that.!!! So I completely turned a negative into a positive hoping to inspire others to do the same. Its a bit of a controversy and people might not understand of be a bit mad.

But like I wrote it to empower people to stand up for themselves in any situation!

It is a courageous song. It is also a bit of an oxymoron! But life is such! So here goes! Sincerely from the definition of Pixel Glitch!

REGAL SLUT FROM 2011 to forever!!

But most importantly I want my right to express what I see and here in life and feel and to be able to yell! Thank you for that opportunity! I will commence to yelling!

ANd Please always remember as an individual and a black one that. I will continue to yell. I encourage everyone to yell with me until we all yell so much we bring back the sun to Dark Days!


Also the single is available for download for free for all those times when you want to play me in your car and scream with me!

OR those times when you want to play me at a party because you are a DJ and you are liberated on the Dance Floor!

Gonna yell my way to liberation!

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